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Storm it is simple app that allows you to add or collect your ideas / thoughts and share them as a Tweetstorm on Twitter. The term "Tweetstorm" (not Tweet Storm) was coined and made famous by entrepreneur, investor Marc Andreessen. It’s a series of tweets from one person that starts with a number and a slash. Those numbers mean that this is the first Tweet of a longer thought, followed by the second, and sometimes third and fourth.This series of posts, known as a Tweetstorm, is a way to share thoughts and comments that are too long for the 140 character limit.
- Collect all your thoughts / ideas and tweet storms in one place
- Storm your ideas on Twitter maintaining the response chain
- Automatically add the count to your tweetstorm 1/N or 1/
- You can even send single tweets (less that 140 characters… 1/n or 1/ will not be added)
- All ideas are stored as drafts (forecasted) and editable if they aren’t tweetstormed yet
- Preview (eye icon) now shows the tweets as they will appear in the timeline
En vous inscrivant vous pourrez si vous le souhaitez être prévenu par email en cas de nouveauté (article, commentaire, sujet sur le forum) et personnaliser votre profil pour participer au blog.