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WordPress is very much a community driven project with many of the thousands of themes available developed by enthusiastic users. There was a time when getting a WordPress-friendly local development environment working was an arduous job reserved for masochists, command line wizards, or both. Have questions? Suggestions? Come to the comment section and wow us with your contribution. Adios! Here, it shows you the latest posts of all WordPress sites you follow within the app or your account. This, of course, is just the beginning. We’re excited to have you try it out, and thanks for all your continued feedback and support. In terms of functionality, this tool offers a lot of similarities to BlogJet. It lets you both create new content, as well as edit existing WordPress content.
Enter your database details and click “Submit”. The Settings menu enables you to do much of what you can do with self-hosted WordPress. However, you have other options like managing your connection and activating Jetpack features to optimize content creation capabilities within the app. The official announcement post cites that the apps are not just for and that it also allows all self-hosted WordPress blogs to access all the features. Upon activation, you’ll see this note about connecting Jetpack to WordPress: When you are done, either publish your post right away from inside the WordPress desktop app or preview it beforehand with the button on top. The latter will open a browser window so you can check the post or page in the context of your actual website. Select the Show advanced options checkbox to input your site name, username and password. Create strong login information, and agree to the terms and conditions of the GPLv2. Hit the Install Now button. Take your time, grab a coffee or a drink – whatever floats your boat; they’ll notify you once your installation is ready to ship: Having a local install available means you’re free to work how, when and where you want. That’s invaluable. Additionally, if you have enabled Sharing feature of the Jetpack plugin, you will get options to manage your sharing options including settings for buttons and social media connections.
En vous inscrivant vous pourrez si vous le souhaitez être prévenu par email en cas de nouveauté (article, commentaire, sujet sur le forum) et personnaliser votre profil pour participer au blog.