download For the jewelry designer latest version

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► Beadia vers 1.1.3

Beadia is a management app designed to assist the hand-crafted jewelry designer to manage their stock, parts, sales and customers.
Here's an overview of some of the features Beadia provides:
- Organize your handmade jewelry and other craft items.
- Keep details of your parts inventory including where you purchased stock and which pieces parts were used in. Parts can be grouped with an extensive list of categories: use the predefined ones or create your own.
- Record sundry costs against jewelry items: packaging, consumables, even your time: and have the software suggest a value for each item.
- Add photographs to your parts and jewelry pieces; view them with Quick Look or Preview.
- Create Sales Venues for galleries, shops or events where you have jewelry for sale or on display.
- Venues let you record a location, jewelry displayed, commission rates and fees.
- Record details of your sales, including customer details, items purchased, pricing and sales venue.
- Quickly and easily create filters to display information matching your criteria, such as jewelry using sterling silver or sales venues which have not made a sale.
- Smart Folders let you save filters and recall them later, just like a Smart Playlist in iTunes, or you can create standard folders which contain just the items you want.
- Keep customer records including contact details, jewelry they bought from you or parts you bought from them.
- Generate reports which can be printed or saved as HTML or PDF files.
- Use lists of example values for many fields. Create customized lists of jewelry styles, part shapes, sizes and colours, all grouped by categories you can create yourself. We also give you a set of predefined categories with example values including many Swarovski elements, common materials, finishes and shapes.
- Customized pricing specify a markup percentage and Beadia will suggest a value for you based on parts used and sundry costs you have defined. Price jewelry for retail, wholesale or direct sales, or even set preferential pricing for your friends.
- Designed for Mac. Beadia is a true Mac application, not ported from Windows or built with a database. We designed Beadia to look, feel and behave just like you expect a Mac application to behave.
Beadia is available to purchase in our secure online store. Buy before the end of June 2012 and get a $10 launch discount!

Featured! version {4260 kb}

MacOS {6390 kb}

Recomended OS X RZriB_Beadia_1.2.3.pkg {5804 kb}

for Mac mini Beadia_version_2.1.3_Qpxl.pkg {5591 kb}

Best! version [4096 kbytes] 3.2.8

Version on iMac KBTDBK.NFS.MANAGER.VER.4.7.ZIP [4954 kbytes] 6.4

2020 Mac application
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