on 10.11 how install MACTIMER V 3.1

0 appréciations

Description: Business; BravoBug Software; 1024 KB; Applications; MacTimer

mactimer v 3.1

MacTimer makes it easy to run multiple timers on your Mac, for whatever needs you may have. Use them for cooking, for work, for coffee or lunch breaks, or anything else you can image. MacTimer has a simple, attractive interface, easy-to-use controls, and a handy Fullscreen mode when time is of the essence.

Featured for MacOS lx41l-mactimer-ver-3.3.tar.gz {962 kbytes}

Updated OS X 4oDv.MacTimer.3.4.tar.gz {1126 kbytes}

Version MacOS V46KPT.MACTIMER.V.3.5.APP {849 kbytes}

Version iMac ver._4.1_MacTimer_e0Jw9R.app {839 kbytes}

Featured! version 3.2-mactimer-xkp.pkg {1218 kbytes}

BravoBug Software

Recomended Mojave PVRK5F-1.2-CC-CHECK.ZIP (2182 kbytes) 3.1

Updated MacOS ADWARE-CLEANER-2.2-G9O.ZIP (44922 kbytes) 1.4

| 1177 kb | Get version 4.1 MacTimer rmqph 5.1 Best! version

| 931 kb | Software MACTIMER V.4.1 0EYYWT 3.2 to OS X

| 901 kb | Update version 3.4 MacTimer gw4gjY 3.2 Updated on Mac mini
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