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No features added Add a feature Please see my reply to cdubzzz. I'm not building a CLI but rather a 'PhpMyAdmin for the terminal'. Pricing: $9.99/mo > I used to think most DBA worked under Windows/Linux. The app has a nice query history sidebar. In addition to the query, it has the timestamp; my terminal doesn't have that. Could this concept be expanded to include query results? My first instinct was also to try dragging and dropping one of the queries from my history into the desired pane. That didn't work, but its behavior of adding it to the pane where the cursor was last works well. There isn't a lot of options for Mac but SequelPro is by far the best. I love having multiple tabs for different database connections. The raw SQL query tool is pretty nice with its keyword highlighting and formatting.
BEST AT THE BASICS I have long wished they would support PostgreSQL. + Master password support for additional security. SFPD Assault Reports 2003-2013 (19MB) - Just the SFPD reports categorized as ASSAULT. Roughly 130,000 records. Not on Mac? Download TablePlus for Windows. Tried so far and unable to get a connection with a key to go through with no error console to review the issue. =[ MULTIPLE RESULT SETS There's nothing much to dislike, apart from being only for MySQL (and MariaDB, an a-likes..). Also, it hasn't been updated for more than a year, but it's stable and you can do anything in the database server.
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