(Best 6) v.1.0.2 OneClickGo where download 10.12

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CHANG-WEI YANG / OneClickGo / Utilities / 512 KB / System

OneClickGo version 1.0.2

Place OneClickGo in your Dock and you can shutdown your computer or take screen snapshot in one mouse click. OneClickGo is a convenient tool for your daily use, you don't have to remember those Apple hotkeys hereafter.OneClickGo can be configured to perform one of the following One Click actions- Let your Mac go into Sleep Mode.- Logout your account.- Shutdown your computer.- Restart your computer.- Take screen snapshot.Note:If you want to re-configure OneClickGo, execute OneClickGo while pressing Option key.

Featured! version HOz_ver._1.0.6_OneClickGo.dmg (542 kb)

Version for OS X RKRC_VER_1.3.2_ONECLICKGO.TAR.GZ (599 kb)

10.12.5 ONECLICKGO-2.0.2-T9ZA.APP (445 kb)

Updated iMac Pro OneClickGo-v-1.2.2-w7q.tar.gz (501 kb)

Official site: http://www.invictus.com.tw

Key list

MacOS NBI4u_The_Audio_Toolbox_ver_2.3.tar.gz [1441 kb] 4.2

Recomended! version dZ3Q-vers-1.7.14-Porthole.app [7067 kb] 1.9.10

Recomended! version FOEa-Flavor-0.3.7.app [4556 kb] 0.3.8

Best iMac Pro 2.0.2_Apache_Directory_Studio_EVeP.zip [120913 kb] 2.0.1
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